Thursday, 2 June 2016

Play Wild: Epic Wonders

Before we even peek at the latest store in Play Wild, let's see one of the newest accessories and den items in Jam Mart Clothing and Jam Mart Furniture.

The spike mohawk may not be every jammer's favorite item, but the gradients on this hairstyle is definitely unique and intriguing!
Castle-themed den items has been finished put up in Jam Mart Furniture. As always, they're a lot more expensive than the furniture in the computer version of Animal Jam. Now that we're done here, head down below for some awesome store items!
AJHQ has finally opened Epic Wonders in Coral Canyons, with very different accessories in store for Play Wild jammers. Let's take a look.
The spring antlers and flame tipped wings have produced a flaming-fairy trend among jammers of all kind. They are favored for their appearance as well as the special effects they possess. 
 The spring antlers have butterflies surrounding them. The butterflies will appear and disappear, accompanied with the ability to change to different colors from a rainbow. The butterflies are very similar to the ones in Tunnel Town. Dazzling it is, but the cluster of butterflies do not move or flutter.
Here are the flame tipped wings. They come in the shape of butterfly wings. You can easily match the wings with the spring antlers. Despite the variety of colors these pair of wings are sold in, the smoking effect does not change according to the color of the wings. However, they beat softly and can bring life to your character's looks. If you want to have realistic flame tipped wings, it is best to purchase a pair in their original colors. 
That's it jammers. Also, if you want to check out the Moonlight Manor, you can head to AJHQ's den by going through the list of epic dens. See ya'll!

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