Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Rare Item Monday

If you think about it, this egg nest hat can get pretty dark. There are 2 young birds attempting to fly out of the nest and be free, but that will never happen because the person wearing the nest is scaring away the mother bird :0! Now the nests are branded exotic with the golden rare tag, meaning more of these poor fledglings are captured and sold from their habitat. #stopwildlifesmuggling
I am not even surprised at the amount of gems you need to buy this rare. Is this item even worth it though? Why did I buy it? What

Feline Armor

Hi jammers. This is a post from last Wednesday. As you can see, the weekly member gift was a rainbow mohawk. The colors are really killing me here.
On to the new armor! It looks adorable on bunnies. The ferocious feline armor is now on display for sale at the Sapphire Shop. Its particle effects are cartoonish clouds and stars like you would see when you use the :scuffle: emote.
This armor does not have changeable colors, unlike the one in Animal Jam Desktop. The additional item sold exclusively in the mobile set is the whiskers.

Monday, 18 September 2017

Rare Item Monday

Hey everyone. Yes, we are still alive (not that anyone cared), we are just having a hard time balancing our studies and basically everything else. We are preparing for an oral/speaking test and 2 practical (experiments) exams, it's not very stressful but it is quite exhausting.
Anyways, these screenshots are pretty self explanatory. Today we have the yellow rare sequins bow and the rare round glasses, both of which can be found at Jam Mart Clothing. Although the round glasses are certainly not as attractive as the sequins bow, they have something in common-- carrying a price tag of over 1800 gems.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Random Gifs

This set of gifs is from 13th August 2017.
Theme: Linkin Park

The Catalyst
Talking to Myself
Waiting for the End
Until It's Gone
Burn It Down

Rare Item Monday

Fries made from blue potatoes are now the spicy new trend in Jamaa. I'll tell you one thing, you can never go wrong wi-- wait, blue potatoes are REAL. Apparently they are called Adirondack blues, and they're more to purple than cyan. I wonder how it tastes with that mayonnaise dip.
Next up, the pink and pale yellow feather hat.When it comes to dressing up a fox, jammers will likely choose the feather hat than the beret, even though the beret is a common head accessory for the animal in the PC game. Both of the rares here were sold at Jam Mart Clothing.

Play Wild: Sooooo many items!

Hey jammers. Last Wednesday, members received the rainbow collar with super saturated colors. I haven't seen anyone wear the rainbow collar, I'd love to check out what jammers can come up to match this bizarre item.

Sunday, 27 August 2017

Animal Jam: Solar Eclipse

Hello again jammers. The first exam for the second semester is over, so now I can get back to posting. Last week, Americans have experienced observing a solar eclipse, too bad it was around 2 am for us when it happened.

The solar eclipse occurring in Jamaa is a total eclipse, it means that the moon blocks out the sun such that only the corona visible. Even if most of the sunlight is blocked, the corona itself has an intense glow, this is because it extends millions of kilometers into space.
During the sneak peak, AJHQ teased us with an update in the Chamber of Knowledge. Several jammers are seen watching the eclipse up close, which is not a very safe thing to do. I think I'm partially blind.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Role Play Adventures 1 : Meet the overly stressed doctor *change it into a better one thankyu Obsidis*

Obsidis and I decided to role play in Animal Jam last Sunday at her den (it's breathtaking and cozy) and we did. It turned out pretty good even though I'm a pure newbie. I had fun pouring in random ideas along the way.

*#swimming hacks*

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Random Gifs: Films II

This set of gifs is from 25th June 2017.
Theme: Films II

Some Items

I left out den items from the Diamond Shop for the wild weekend. Here they are. I also didn't manage to post on time because the 'insert image' option glitched.
Ah! The travelling salesman returned to Jamaa Township last Friday. If anyone missed him this time but caught his previous experiences, I'd say you didn't miss anything. There were no new items, just a bunch of jumbled up stock.

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Leaving my pack...

Good evening jammers. I am here to announce that I have exited the Hounds of the Falling Skulls. So if you joined to roleplay with me (which nobody does but whatever), it would be a bummer because I will be paying my last visits to the pack.
Flashback to when I was a member
It's amazing how we have made so many memorable experiences, but now we must let the newer generation guide the pack and hopefully achieve far greater than we have. I have given the reasons in the page's comment section. Right now I have no idea what to do in my roleplaying life, maybe I'll have an idea after I sit for the exams.

I made a new OC, I'm deciding whether I should use the name Sahara or Terracotta. Hopefully she will find a place in a suitable pack.

Animal Jam: Confusing Cats

The blog seriously missed out on the big events happening in Jamaa. Alright, first we have the arrival of flamingos! This was pretty much spoiled by the pictures of the leaked animal. Before it came out, there were quick-thinkers who managed to figure out the real clue in the photograph. Nice work, jammers!

Play Wild: Red Pandas

Hey everyone. I'll hit you guys with some bad news first. My tablet couldn't charge a long time ago, so I decided to move the Play Wild app to my phone. The problem didn't end there, in fact it got worse. It kept restarting once every minute or so. I won't be able to take in-game screenshots as easily until I figure this out.
This is the promotional art for the latest addition to Play Wild's list of avatars. Being the 20th animal, the red panda's introduction is followed by 2 new armor sets, the Emperor and Empress outfits. 

The red pandas match the mystical fortress, which is an eastern-themed den branded with soft glows of blue and green. And to top it off, jammers can now buy the all new pet firefly! Click here to view the enchanting home on the peak.
Different fireflies have their own light patterns, all to find mates and communicate with other lightning bugs. If you caught one but it doesn't light up, you can try flashing a torchlight at it and maybe it will start flickering!


Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Rare Item Monday

900 gems is a pretty average price for rare items. Just a recolor of the original item and you're good to go! Today, weekly rare items have been more popular in the trading system. [Old man voice] How the times have changed, we used to trade the wildly famous pirate swords when the adventures became the talk of the town.
 Woah, these rare woven sandals can already be compared to Jimmy Choo's. These shoes are obviously more expensive than the rare trident necklace.

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Wild Weekend and Weekly Member Gift

Another late post from me, jammers. Everyone has been notified of the new portals for the wild weekend through the Jamaa Journal. These portals are quite different because they teleport you to a land in Jamaa instead of another den. In my opinion, the portal to Jamaa Township would be the most popular since it's for all jammers and the town is basically the center of activity, it has an arcade and many other shops for jammers to visit. Jamaa Township is usually known as the gathering point for many jammers to trade or relax in the pillow room.
Why did I have to get it in pink
As shown in the image above, members are gifted the mega-glove 3000. Since mine came in a girly color, it won't match my bubble-tron. Sad indeed.

The particles from this glove differs from the bubble-tron too. Its bubbling effect is slower, and produces bigger but less bubbles.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Jammer Wall Update

Just a heads up, guys. Graham is done tinkering with the jammer wall, and the final result is looking very charming. Now you can update your jammer wall with stickers and a photo!

Yeah... They actually left out... my hat...

Random Moments in Jamaa #1

Hey everyone, this is Random Moments in Jamaa, basically me documenting the unusual findings I have made throughout the game.
Exhibit A, a grey sloth with an eerie dressing accompanied by soul-piercing eyes surrounded by splatters of dark crimson.
Next, I caught a glimpse of a jammer who happened to own unreleased butterfly earrings. She was recorded by another jammer hours before my discovery. Still, nobody knows for sure how the butterfly earrings came to be.

Animal Jam: Previous News

I missed out on posting about Freedom Day. We're just going through some parts that we missed, as long as I have the screenshots. First things first, we have free new codes! You can redeem powerbackpack and wildbackpack to claim these items.
Where are the ladybugs' eyes tho