Saturday, 4 March 2017

Animal Jam: More Member Benefits

Welcome back jammers. This update we have another member benefit, as hinted by AJHQ on their YouTube channel. Members can now own as much as 1000 accessories!

It's March, the month of luck! For 5 diamonds, you can get the Lucky Castle to celebrate Lucky Day.
You can also head to AJHQ's den to see a furnished version of the preview. While you're there, you should also try looking for the mystery item, the spring clover.
The return of the clover armor is announced on the third page of the Jamaa Journal. Then, we have the pi day sale on March 14th. That sort of date arrangement only works for Americans, we'd write it down as 14th March. Nonetheless, pi is also 22/7 (in fractions), which falls on the same day as Sarawak Independence Day!
AJHQ has once again updated the chat system. I don't think it is a big deal, since it works the same as the keyboard on my tablet now. It has autocorrect and predictions above the chat box.
The unapproved word will be corrected automatically when you press the space bar after it. 
Is it me or does it barely look like a cougar? It's nice that a new animal is going to be released, but it doesn't look like what I was expecting?? I think the signature marks on the snout are missing. Anatomy-wise, it appears similar to the snow leopard. 
Besides the Lucky Clovers adventure, jammers also get to join the Lucky Party. As usual, here are the things sold at the Lucky Shop.

In other news, eagles have left the diamond shop 2 days ago. I assume this is to make way for the cougar.

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